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- Home Remedies for Acidity
Home Remedies for Acidity
Acidity, also called acid reflux. It causes a burning sensation below the breastbone. Poor lifestyle choices are the main reason behind the acidity. here we are providing some best home remedies for acidity.
When we eat food itgoes to the stomach through the esophagus. Then the gastric gland will secrete acidfor digestion of the food but when gastric gland produces more acid thanrequired for digestion, the condition is known as acidity.
Chronic acidity leads to serious health issues like increasing the risk of esophagus cancer, esophageal ulcers, esophagitis, esophageal strictures, and Barrett’s esophagus.
Weight loss
Post-meal heaviness
Frequent burping and hiccups
Difficulty in swallowing food
Burning sensation and pain in the stomach and throat
1. Bad eating habits
Skipping meals
Late-night snacking
Consumption of excess salt
Diet low in fibre
2. Excessive consumption of certain food
Fat rich food
Spicy food
Beverages like carbonated drinks, soft drinks, tea, and coffee.
3. Smoking andconsumption of alcohol
4. Stress
5. Lack of physicalexercise.
Itis rich in magnesium and helps in boot intestinal strength. It helps in digestion and makes the digestive system alkaline and reducing the acidity.
Eat a small piece ofjaggery after meals help in digestion and give relief from acidity. Jaggery canbe added to drinks and consume daily for better results.
Ithas excellent anti-inflammatory and digestive properties. It helps in neutralizing acids.
Ginger can be consumedin different ways you can chew a slice of fresh ginger or drink the juice ofginger 2-3 times a day.
Fennel seeds
Itis anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory in nature. It will help in soothe swelling and irritation of the intestine and improve digestion.
Fennel seeds can bechew after meals, add in tea and decoction of fennel seeds. Oils of fennelseeds improve digestion and prevent acidity.
It is a natural antacid for acidity and helps in improving digestion and absorption. It is helpful to get rid of heartburn by reducing acidity. This also prevents developing ulcers in the esophagus when acid from the stomach flows into the esophagus.
Use cinnamon bark oilfor cooking, it can be added in tea, Cinnamon powder can be sprinkled on fooditems.
Cumin seeds
It acts as a painkiller and it is beneficial in curing stomach ache, acidity and bloating. Cumin seeds help in the secretion of digestive enzymes and accelerate digestion.
Chewing a handful ofcumin seeds to give relief from acidity or cumin water is very helpful in acidity.
Coconut water
It is helping maintain the normal pH level and helps in the production of mucus in your stomach which protects the stomach from excessive acid production. It prevents the reoccurrence of acidity.
Drink coconut water before meals, it will help in preventing overeating.
Basil leaves
Basil leaves stimulatethe mucus formation by the stomach and relieve the symptoms of acidity. Thesehave a soothing property that soothes the inflamed esophagus and stomach.
Chew 2-3 basil leavesdaily helps in reducing acidity.
In Ayurveda, Gooseberries(amla) are considered a Sattvik food which means it is a food that has anoverall calming effect on our body, which makes it a natural deterrent foracidity.
1 teaspoon of Amlapowder prevent bouts of acidity. Amla is rich in vitamin C and helps in healingulcers on the stomach lining.
Itcontains natural antacids that can neutralize the acid. It is the simplest home remedies for acidity for getting rid of acidity.
Eating a banana daily is an ideal option for people suffering from acidity. A ripe banana is an antidote to severe bouts of acidity.
It is one of the bestcoolant present in nature thus it is helpful in relives the burning sensationand pain which usually accompanied by acidity.
Boil mint leaves inwater and drink it two times in a day or you can chew it before meals.
Maintain ideal body weight
Follow low – carbs diet.
Follow low – carbs diet
Avoid sleeping on your right side
Avoid late-night snacking
Avoid spicy and junk food
Avoid carbonated drinks
Avoid heavy meals
Author Bio:-
Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD-Ayurveda) is an expert Ayurvedic Doctor based in Chandigarh, India, and doing his practice in Mohali, India. He is spreading the knowledge of Ayurveda – Ancient healing treatment, not only in India but also abroad. He is the CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Products, Planet Ayurveda Clinic, and Krishna Herbal Company.
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